May 16, 2014

Why I Chose A Natural Birth
In Hospital

When my family doctor asked me what my birth plan was, at 5 weeks, with my first, I just gave a blank stare.  According to the movies, your water breaks and you go to the hospital, what else it there?  I'm mostly joking, but I didn't seriously consider Obstetricians, Midwives, Birthing Centres, or having my baby right at home.  

After much thought and prayer, I decided to have a natural birth in hospital... 

Actually, I had 4!  

  • Natural birth is important to me.  I figured if millions of women could do it, I could too.  Plus the thought of a large needle in my back makes me sick.  I had a lot of encouragement from friends and the hospital staff, and never felt pressured to use any kind of standard pain relief.  
  • I could follow my birth plan.  I was allowed to play music, be with whoever I wanted, and labour how I wanted.  I had an amazing Obstetrician, but if I decided to go with a midwife or hire a doula, either would have been welcomed.
  • Hospitals are ready for childbirth.  Not only do hospitals have everything ready for a routine birth, if anything unexpected happened, it was nice to know that we were in a building full of medical staff and equipment standing by.  
  • I got a night out.  I wish I could say I wanted a home birth.  But I didn't.  I really didn't.  It simply isn't for me.  When I had my 2nd and 3rd sons, I was living with two different family members and didn't want to deliver in their homes.  I truly enjoy having an overnight retreat with each of my newborns.
  • I laboured at home.  I definitely wouldn't want to be in the hospital from the very first contraction.  I got to lay in my own bed, shower and rest until I felt ready to go to the hospital.
  • I got to relax and didn't have to clean up.  I know that sounds like a silly reason, but this is a really nice bonus.  As a busy mom, I am always cleaning up, and I know it's not the nurses job to get me water or change my baby's diaper.  But when I'm exhausted from giving birth, and someone else is willing to give me a hand, I will never refuse.

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