June 20, 2014

Everyday Graditude

I like to make plans.  I don't need to plan every detail, but just enough to know what's coming.  So when those plans fall though, it can be disappointing and even scary.  

Photo credit: My wonderful Mother-in-law, Susan Regier

A few weeks ago my husband got hurt at work.  One day we are looking forward to summer plans, and the next Jason needs surgery to put a titanium plate on his collarbone.

As stressful as this situation is, I'm beyond thankful.  I  could have lost my husband that day.  

I am thankful he's alive.  I am thankful he can walk.  I am thankful he has positive attitude.  I am thankful we get to spend time together.  

I am thankful for everyone who stepped in to help.  My brother and sister both live down the street and helped when they could.  

I'm especially thankful for my mother-in-law, who flew from Ontario to help us out around the house for a week.  Even though we battled against health issues, we were still able to have fun and relax for a few days.

It's easy to forget what we have, and just want more.  Those first few days after Jason's injury, we were just happy with what we had...each other.

The funny thing is, when I look back at the last few weeks, I'm kind of glad things happened as they did.  The whole ordeal brought Jason and I closer, we have been enjoying the extra time we are spending together and the time we had with Jason's mom.

God's plans are better then mine, and I am most thankful for that.

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