May 02, 2015

Home Management Book

I updated my Home Management Book, after my last child was born in April, to include her information and our new schedule with her.  I figured now is a good time to repost.

The first time I heard about a Home Management Book, I thought it would take more time then it would save.  After reading the book 'Large Family Logistics'I decided to give it a try, and I am so glad I did.  I'm so much more efficient now.  With hundreds of things to do a day, it's easy to get distracted.  Sometimes I start so many things I never get anything finished.  When everything is organized on paper, in one place, it's easier to stay on track.  If I don't know what to do next, I can reference the Home Management Book.

First, You need to figure out what needs to get done when. List the days of the week on paper and which tasks fall on that day.  So if you have piano lessons on Mondays and story time at the library on Wednesdays, then arrange the non-scheduled tasks around these scheduled ones.  Things like paying bills, cleaning and laundry can typically fill in the other days.  

For example, this is how our weeks are layed out.
Sunday: Sabbath - go to church and relax...
Monday: Kitchen Day - get groceries, freezer cooking, deep clean the kitchen, thin out the fridge, organize cupboards, mop floor...
Tuesday: Laundry Day - mending, ironing, wash linens...
Wednesday: Project Day - sewing projects, scrap booking, crafts...
Thursday: Reading Day - reading, journaling, story times...
Friday: Office Day - pay bills, meal plans, grocery list, reply to longer emails, prepare mail to send, online shopping...
Saturday: Cleaning Day - vacuum, dust, clean bathrooms, wash windows...

I filled out the Weekly Schedule page to remind myself what to do on certain days.   If i stick to the plan, everything will get done in one week or less.

The Daily Schedule page is to make sure I get all the tasks done on time each day.
Remember: This is just a guideline.  If we are sick or friends visit, the schedule is secondary.

The Calendar page is handy to see the days of the year in one place and I use it to fill out the Monthly Calendars.

I use my iPhone to keep track of appointments, play dates and due dates; and the Monthly Calendars for meal planning.  I write down what we are having for breakfast at the top of each box, lunch in the middle, and supper near the bottom.  I also note if we'll be 'out', when guests will be joining us and when my husband wont be.  I sometimes write down the time I need to start preparing a certain meal, like roasts or anything in the slow cooker.
I left the months and days blank so there's no matching required when printing.  Simply print one page on the front and the other on the back and fill in the dates.  These are the only papers that aren't in page protectors, as I'm constantly adding to them

Filling out the meal plan makes doing the Grocery List so much easier.  I print a sheet with two copies of the list and cut it in half, every two weeks.  Then I just highlight what we need.  The reason I like using the printed list each time, is because it lists things that I forgot about, that are not in the meal plan, like laundry soap or vitamins.  I usually print the Grocery List in grayscale to save ink.

The Budget sheet is a condensed version of Dave Ramsey's Zero Based Budget.  You fill out your income, then all expenses and they should be exactly the same (or income minus expenses equals zero).  It's also handy to keep all of the budget sheets together in the Home Management Book to compare and reference repeated numbers.  I faded the colour since the budget get printed monthly.

It only took one time double paying the utilities, to realize how important it is to keep track of what has been paid on the Bills sheet.  Just write down the company name, the due date and check the month when it has been taken care of.

The Favourite Recipes page makes finding the recipe easier and I use it for inspiration when I'm in a cooking slump.

I use the Important Info page when I have to fill out paperwork or if I'm on the phone and need everything in front of me.  It is my second page, after the title page, in my binder so I can find it quickly.

The Babysitter Information page is an easy way to leave instructions for a caregiver.  I like to print a couple of pages, cut them in half and have them handy in the front pocket of the Home Management Book.

Click on an image to download the PDF.



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