March 20, 2015

Keeping Down The Clutter

I'm not a pack rat.  Actually I'm whatever the opposite is.  I like keeping a few important things and anything I use on a regular basis.  I don't like clutter in my house, so I try to keep what I have to a minimum.

Organize it:  Decide what's worth keeping and what's best to let go.  Focus on one room at a time and move through the house.  

Store it:  Invest in furniture and containers to manage and hide keepsakes.  Make sure containers are clearly labeled, so it's easy to locate what's inside.  
Sometimes there are things that I can't decide if I should keep or not.  I usually store them in a bin, and either continue to keep it, or get rid of it next time I go through the storage.

Sell it:  Selling things on Kijiji or other classified sites is a great way to declutter the house and make some money.

Gift it:  If I know of someone who would like a certain item, I'll set it aside and give it to them next time I see them.  Just make sure it's not going to be in the way or hidden and forgotten.

Donate it:  Have an ongoing Good Will box.  Whenever I'm organizing or cleaning and find something I don't need, I just add it to the box.  When the box is full, donate it.

Recreate it:  Refashioning something old into something new is a creative way to keep treasured items.  Refinishing furniture, turning antiques into art, make a quilt with old fabrics, put images together in a collage or scrapbook.

Don't Buy it:  I try not to bring things home that I don't need.  Something that looks cute on a store display might not be a good fit for my house.  Unless I know exactly where to put it, or am sure I need it, it's best to leave it behind.

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