December 05, 2014

A Biblical View On The
Mommy Wars

When my first son was a couple of weeks old I was researching something about 'helping baby sleep more at night', online.  I didn't expect to find anything that would guarantee a perfect night sleep, just some techniques to try.  Instead, I discovered how passionate mothers are about this subject...and many more.

'Sleep training', 'co-sleeping', ' cribs', 'working moms', 'stay at home moms', 'formula', ' breast feeding', 'breastfeeding in public', 'circumcision', 'crying it out', 'baby led weaning', 'feeding on demand', 'homeschooling', 'public schools', 'vaccinations', 'natural childbirth', 'pain medications', 'home births', 'hospital births', 'Attachment Parenting', 'spanking', and even 'baby wearing', are all subjects mothers can get nasty discussing.

I couldn't believe it.  

I still can't.  (Especially the baby wearing.  Really?  Like who cares if you do or don't?)

I didn't know one way was 'right' and any other way was very 'wrong'.  Of course I have a preference in each area, but some have changed from child to child or circumstance to circumstance.  There's a lot of grey area in parenting, and like anything, balance is key.  If something is working for me doesn't mean it will work for everyone.  And I'm certainly not going to guilt anyone 
into doing anything my way.

I have friends who 
approach these either way.  They are ALL great mothers.  Like me, they love their children more then life, they will do anything in the best interest of their children and they know their children better then the statistics and specialists.  

The Bible is clear on some things like training and disciplining, but others like vaccines, formula, cribs, pain medications...weren't options back then.

So how do we parent Biblically, if those controversies aren't in the Bible?
"Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too." (Philippians 2:3-4)
We need to be helping each other.  It is a proven fact that breast milk is the healthiest nourishment for babies, but what happens when a mother can't provide that for her child?  Do breast feeding mothers get to agonize her?  Of course not!  Do those nursing mothers to offer to feed the struggling mother's baby (which is Biblical see Exodus 2:7-9)?  
There are many ways we can help each other.  Why is there more judgment then unity in the parenting circle?  Let's decide to be a helping hand to other mothers even if we don't agree with their parenting methods. 
"As iron sharpens iron,  so one person sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17)
We can still respect each other while using our own techniques. If you are a Working-outside-of-the-home-mom. Good for you! May Stay-at-home-moms appreciate your decision. And encourage you on tough days. You are doing what's best for your children. Just as we are at home.
"Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." (James 1:19)
People (not just irate parents) have become more indecent in the past few years online. Spewing hate to a stranger, without knowing their story and hiding behind a screen, is foolish. Listen to their reasoning instead of jamming your opinion down their throat.
"Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." (1 John 3:18)
Our children are watching.  How we handle our differences with others will be replicated by them.  We need to show compassion and care for each other.  Even Especially when it's to someone who we disagree with or don't like.